Entry #5 - Abandoned Apartment

October 23, 2002

You guys are going to need to sit down for this one guys, because it is super crazy.. probably my most insane ghost encounter to date.

Yesterday morning, my dad was reading the paper and was complaining about how bad a lot of the stories were lately. He said that the paper must be making up stuff since “nothing interesting happens around here” (which is a total lie, but OK). After he was done I ended up reading it just to see what was up and there was one story talking about how an apartment complex might close because of noise complaints from the tenants. Some of the people interviewed said that these noises only were happening lately, and that it was SCARING people away… and of course I knew right away this had to be a ghosts!

I called the office posing as someone who wanted to tour the place and got an appointment for this morning, which was super convenient. I wouldn't really recommend doing this. It's not illegal or anything, but it is kind of dishonest I guess. But if I had to choose between tricking employees and breaking in.... well, y'know.

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