Entry #4 - First Client

October 21, 2002

Today's entry involves my FIRST client! (she gave me permission to write this here don't worry :) )

My client called this morning asking if I could take a tour of her house, since she believed it was haunted. When I got there, I took a look around… and it was very clear that there was spectral energy present. When I asked her how long this was going on for, she said that it had been happening for a few weeks. She said that it started with objects falling off shelves randomly and her cat hissing at nothing in front of her. Last night, though… she saw an apparition! She couldn.t tell who or what it was.

I asked her if her husband had died, and she said yes. Then I asked her if there were any significant events between them that had happened, like an anniversary… and her eyes got really wide then. She nodded, and said that, yes, it was their wedding anniversary this weekend! She forgot! It seemed to me that her husband probably missed her, and wanted to contact her from the dead, but didn't know how.

My client and I performed a ritual then, to contact her late husband. She talked to him and said that she loved him, and that she missed him a lot. She also wished him happy anniversary. It was a very long ritual, because she had a lot to say to him. It was very sweet! I had to be careful not to cry, since I had to keep their connection stable, but even I shed a tear, it was all so heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

When I left the house, the energy seemed a lot different, in a good way. There wasn't any spectral energy at all. My client thanked me a lot and then I went home. I'm so glad to of helped this woman, she was so kind, and it's always nice to make a difference in peoples' lives!